07 February 2012

Big Bang untuk mengadakan ‘ALIVE TOUR 2012′' di seluruh dunia melalui Live Nation!

Kami baru saja diberitahu bahwa Big Bang akan mengadakan tur dunia pertama mereka , berjudul 'ALIVE TOUR 2012' tahun ini melalui Live Nation. Fans akhirnya akan memiliki keinginan mereka menjadi kenyataan, sebagai boy band 5-anggota akan berhenti di berbagai kota yang berbeda. Sumber kami di YG Entertainment telah memberitahu kami bahwa Big Bang akan tampil di 25 kota di 16 negara. Dari Maret 2 untuk Bang, Big 4 akan membuka tur dunia mereka di Stadion Olimpiade Seoul Park Senam. Setelah acara-acara ini, kelompok akan tur 16 negara, 25 kota, di Asia, Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, dan Eropa. Dengan bekerja dengan Live Nation, tur akan dibawa ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dalam hal skala mengarahkan. Sebagai Live Nation telah membantu tur dunia untuk Madonna dan U2, Big Bang adalah penyanyi Asia pertama yang memperoleh bantuan Live Nation dengan investasi bersama dan tim produksi. Live Nation adalah baru-baru ini agen promosi untuk K-pop penyanyi dalam 1-2 daerah di Amerika dan Eropa. Presiden Live Nation, Alan Ridgeway, menyatakan, "Kami sangat senang bahwa kami bekerja sama dengan YG Entertainment dan Big Bang untuk menunjukkan [karya kita] ke seluruh dunia K-pop fans. Jika kinerja ini adalah titik awal yang baik untuk br Korea

We’ve just been informed that Big Bang will be holding their very first world tour, titled ‘ALIVE TOUR 2012‘ this year through Live Nation.
Fans will finally have their wishes come true, as the 5-member boy band will make various stops at different cities. Our sources at YG Entertainment have informed us that Big Bang will perform in 25 cities in 16 countries.
From March 2nd to the 4th, Big Bang will open their world tour in the Seoul Olympic Park Gymnastic Stadium. Following these shows, the group will tour 16 countries, 25 cities, in Asia, North America, South America, and Europe.
By working with Live Nation, the tour will be brought to a higher level in terms of the scale of directing. As Live Nation has helped world tours for Madonna and U2, Big Bang is the first Asian singers to earn the help of Live Nation with the joint investment and production team. Live Nation is recently a promotion agent for K-pop singers in 1-2 regions in America and Europe.
Live Nation’s president, Alan Ridgeway, stated, “We are very happy that we are working with YG Entertainment and Big Bang to show [our work] to worldwide K-pop fans. If this performance is a good starting point for the Korea branch we established last December, we expect it to contribute to the K-pop fever expansion.
It’s been confirmed that the producer Laurieann Gibson will be taking the lead position as director. Laurieann Gibson is a well-known director, choreographer, actress, and creative director. She is known most recently for directing Lady Gaga‘s ‘The Monster Ball Tour’, in addition to choreographing “Poker Face”, “Judas”, and “Telephone”. She has also worked with top stars like Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Beyonce, and Katy Perry.
In addition, stage/lighting designer, Leroy Bennett, will help put in his efforts for the world tour as he has previously worked with Madonna, Paul McCartney, and Eagles. In addition, Ken Van Druten will work as the sound director, who has previosuly helped Eminem, J-Jay, and Linkin Park.  The visual contents producing team, Possible Productions, will also join in preparing for Big Bang’s World Tour.
YG Entertainment relayed, “We are in the process of preparing the world’s best concert with the best production team to equal the anticipation of the world fans who are waiting for the first concert they will get to meet Big Bang … With the newly released album and the starting of the worldd tour, you will be able to confirm Big Bang’s maturity and skill.
More information on the world tour will be released in the future, so stay tuned to allkpop for more details!

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