Dari 2 Februari melalui 4, Super Junior mengadakan tur konser independen
Arena Taipei di Taiwan. Lebih dari 40.000 penggemar Taiwan datang untuk
melihat anak laki-laki melakukan, membuktikan popularitas peledak Super
Junior di daerah setempat. Terlebih lagi, tiket ke konser anak laki-laki
habis terjual dalam jumlah yang memecahkan rekor waktu. Tiket untuk
kinerja ketiga mereka mulai dijual pada tanggal 31 dan terjual habis
dalam waktu kurang dari satu jam, sementara tiket untuk pertunjukan
pertama dan kedua yang mulai dijual hari berikutnya terjual habis dalam
17 menit. Para anggota dilakukan 36 lagu secara total, termasuk
semua-waktu mereka hit seperti "Sorry Sorry" dan "Bonamana". Anak-anak
juga termasuk kinerja individu khusus juga. Anak-anak yang dibungkus
konser agak sukses di Taiwan akan melanjutkan tur mereka di Singapura
pada tanggal 18 & 19.
english version
From February 2nd through the 4th, Super Junior held their independent concert tour, ‘SUPER JUNIOR WORLD TOUR “SUPER SHOW 4 in TAIPEI”‘ at the Taipei Arena in Taiwan.
More than 40,000 Taiwanese fans came to see the boys perform, proving Super Junior’s explosive popularity in the local area. What’s more, tickets to the boys’ concert sold out in a record-breaking amount of time.
Tickets for their third performance went on sale on December 31st and sold out in less than an hour, while tickets to their first and second performances which went on sale the following day sold out within 17 minutes.
The members performed 36 songs in total, including their all-time hits such as “Sorry Sorry” and “Bonamana“. The boys also included special individual performances as well.
The boys who wrapped up a rather successful concert in Taiwan will be continuing their tour in Singapore on the 18th & 19th.
english version
From February 2nd through the 4th, Super Junior held their independent concert tour, ‘SUPER JUNIOR WORLD TOUR “SUPER SHOW 4 in TAIPEI”‘ at the Taipei Arena in Taiwan.
More than 40,000 Taiwanese fans came to see the boys perform, proving Super Junior’s explosive popularity in the local area. What’s more, tickets to the boys’ concert sold out in a record-breaking amount of time.
Tickets for their third performance went on sale on December 31st and sold out in less than an hour, while tickets to their first and second performances which went on sale the following day sold out within 17 minutes.
The members performed 36 songs in total, including their all-time hits such as “Sorry Sorry” and “Bonamana“. The boys also included special individual performances as well.
The boys who wrapped up a rather successful concert in Taiwan will be continuing their tour in Singapore on the 18th & 19th.
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