07 February 2012

Suzy miss A menerima ciuman dari Taecyeon 2PM & aktor Kim Soohyun

Gambar Miss A Suzy anggota menerima ciuman dari Taecyeon 2PM dan aktor Kim Soohyun telah muncul secara online. Foto-foto di atas serta video dibagikan di situs komunitas online dengan judul, 'memberikan Kim Soohyun & Taecyeon Ok ciuman Suzy'. Video ini cuplikan dari 1 poster 'Dream High' pemotretan musim yang berlangsung tahun lalu, yang menampilkan karakter utama Suzy, Taecyeon, dan Soohyun, dan baru-baru diposting, menarik perhatian. Suzy memainkan peran Go Hyemi, gadis yang disebabkan cinta segitiga antara Lagu Sam Dong (Kim Soo Hyun) & Jin Gook (Taecyeon), dan pemotretan bergambar menyatakan hubungan yang rumit mereka. Netizens iri yang melihat video berkomentar, "Cemburu ...", "Dia terlihat kaget tapi senang", dan "Aku berharap aku Suzy."
 english version
Images of miss A member Suzy receiving kisses from 2PM‘s Taecyeon and actor Kim Soohyun have surfaced online.
The above photos as well as a video were shared on an online community site with the the title, ‘Kim Soohyun & Ok Taecyeon giving Suzy kisses‘.
The video was footage from the ‘Dream High‘ season 1 poster photo shoot that took place last year, featuring the main characters Suzy, Taecyeon, and Soohyun, and was recently posted, drawing attention.
Suzy played the role of Go Hyemi, the girl that caused a love triangle between Song Sam Dong (Kim Soo Hyun) & Jin Gook (Taecyeon), and the photo shoot pictorial expressed their complicated relationship.
Envious netizens who saw the video remarked, “Jealous…“, “She looks shocked but happy“, and “I wish I was Suzy.

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